We are in presence of a recovery: the economic disasters caused by the pandemic are not yet completely over, but the indicators are encouraging. In 2021, Italy's gross domestic product grew by +6.4%, well above the EU average of +5.2%. Although there are still strong elements of uncertainty such as high utility bills, rising energy and raw material prices, supply difficulties in the markets and strong geopolitical tensions, the labour market is alive. According to ISTAT, in fact, the number of employed people in December 2021 was higher than in December 2020 by +2.4%; only for workers between 35- and 49-years old stability is observed, but due to the demographic component. In fact, the employment rate rose for all age groups.

Narrowing the focus on professions that require digital and technological skills to be carried out, companies are facing difficulties in selecting qualified and adequately trained personnel.​

According to the Excelsior report for February 2022, drawn up by Unioncamere and Anpal, ICT and Tlc companies need to recruit new staff, but the difference between supply and demand is still too wide, rising to 38.6% (33.6% one year ago). Lack of candidates is the most difficult reason reported by companies (22%), followed by inadequate preparation (13.4%). A quantitative and qualitative problem.

The most difficult figures to find are IT, telematics and telecommunications technicians (68.1%).

Digital skills are an essential driver for growth, 71% of companies invested in digital transformation last year. The problem is very serious in a context characterised by strong growth in digitalisation, thanks also to the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

ICT and Tlc companies are hiring, but do not find qualified personnel. 71% of companies invested in digital transformation last year, but the lack of candidates is the most difficult reason reported (22%), followed by inadequate preparation (13.4%).

The wide gap between employment and training is also confirmed by the European Commission's recent Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), according to which 58% of the Italian population aged between 16 and 74 (26 million citizens) lacks basic digital skills, compared to 42% of the EU average. According to Salesforce's Digital Skills, 86% of Italians lack the digital skills needed for the job market of the future. However, just 17% are already undergoing training to bridge this gap. The overall global Salesforce Index score for digital readiness, assessed in terms of readiness, skill level, access, and active participation in digital skills training, is currently only 33 out of 100. Italy is below the global average, recording a Salesforce Index of 25.

There is also a problem of misperception and misawareness on the part of candidates: many of them, in fact, consider everyday digital skills, such as knowing how to use social media and surfing the web, to be sufficient, which in reality do not reflect those considered fundamental in the workplace.

It is in this context that the National Digital Skills Strategy was born, an integral part of the commitment of the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, and of the daily work of the Department for Digital Transformation. An articulated project to address the need for digital training, addressing the specific criticalities for each individual target, with the aim of reducing all forms of digital illiteracy by any means available.​



Digital skills that we cannot afford to ignore any longerDigital skills that we cannot afford to ignore any longerGP0|#38710a71-5234-483e-9cb6-3cbd57ac1324;L0|#038710a71-5234-483e-9cb6-3cbd57ac1324|Digital Skill;GTSet|#731c59c8-4118-4f4c-8ddc-7170dc5cfcbd5/31/2021 10:00:00 PMhttps://www.unipoltech.com/en/news/digital-skills-that-we-cannot-afford-to-ignore-any-longer8/3/2021 6:34:48 AM038001About News Open Innovation Contact us Access Arca Customers Access Linear Customers Access UnipolSai Customers single cars Access UnipolSai Customers auto flotte aspx18941htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/en/PublishingImages/Digital%20Skill.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />5 minThe digital transformation does not accept compromise; the companies will have to deal with the new specialized skill set that is still lacking in the today’s market. Let’s see which skills result the most requested.