
UnipolTech designs, develops and delivers innovative services based on telematics, IoT and Big Data for the Unipol Group's Mobility, Property and Health ecosystems

  • Insurance Telematics Service Provider in Europe
  • 4,2 Mln+Car black-boxes managed
  • 100 Mln+Km travelled every day



Open InnovationOpen Innovationhttps://www.unipoltech.com/en/open-innovationThe activities related to UnipolTech's Open Innovation. Find out more.6/24/2021 10:28:49 AM037979About News Open Innovation Contact us Access Arca Customers Access Linear Customers Access UnipolSai Customers single cars Access UnipolSai Customers auto flotte aspx291414htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/1Homepage_open-innovation.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/13OpenInnovation_blocco1.jpg" width="1280" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Our open innovation activitiesTo contribute to the Group's innovation processes, we are constantly working to keep up with the latest trends (e.g. 5G, NB-IoT) and play an active role in the definition of technological developments



Here's how quantum computing will revolutionize the worldHere's how quantum computing will revolutionize the worldGP0|#dbed1940-26d5-4862-a33d-87b2e96331a1;L0|#0dbed1940-26d5-4862-a33d-87b2e96331a1|Computer quantistico;GTSet|#731c59c8-4118-4f4c-8ddc-7170dc5cfcbd11/30/2023 11:00:00 PMhttps://www.unipoltech.com/en/news/heres-how-quantum-computing-will-revolutionize-the-world12/28/2023 3:23:36 PM037865About News Open Innovation Contact us Access Arca Customers Access Linear Customers Access UnipolSai Customers single cars Access UnipolSai Customers auto flotte aspx18322htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/en/PublishingImages/Computer%20quantistico.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />4 minAn experimental technology that combines Theory and Quantum Mechanics to create computers hundreds of millions of times more powerful than those in use today