The Data Centre sector, globally, attracts investments, and in Italy has recorded from 2013 to 2021 transactions for 750,000 sqm and a value of EUR 650 million. This is confirmed by the latest Report published by Cushman & Wakefield entitled 'Italy Data Centre', which defines the market in our country as not yet mature, but in strong expansion. 

Italy is becoming a focal point for connectivity between Europe, the Middle East and Africa, thanks to the multi-fibre submarine cable that will connect Telecom Italia Sparkle's Sicily Hub in Palermo with the new landing station in Genoa, directly connected to Milan's rich digital ecosystem.

There are currently 80 Data Centres in Italy, the importance of which appears even more crucial in light of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) that focuses on digitisation, with around 21% of PNRR resources (around EUR 40,32 billion) earmarked for energy transition, sustainable mobility, education, research and healthcare.​​

Lombardy is the most developed Italian region for data centres and the location with the highest concentration is Milan, supported by the strong financial and engineering sectors. The main area of interest and development for the Data Centre market is the Western area (Settimo Milanese-Cornaredo).

Italy plays a key role in European connectivity, thanks to the multi-fibre submarine cable that will connect to Genova the Telecom Italia Sparkle's Sicily Hub in Palermo. Transactions of 750,000 sqm and a value of EUR 650 million will be recorded, from 2013 to 2021

Lombardy is followed by Rome, which is increasingly interesting for investors, especially because it covers the needs of residents and companies in central and southern Italy.

In the more general sphere of real estate investments, the data centre sector is seen as a strategic asset, but one that presents atypical characteristics, with operating, constructing and maintenance costs equal to several multiples of the costs expected for other assets.

It is positive that the data centre sector globally attracts investments not only from real estate companies, but also from private equity funds and infrastructure providers. 

The digital sector is one of the most energy-intensive and among the world's largest emitters of CO2, so the popularity of Green Data Centres, designed to have minimal environmental impact, is growing. In fact, 25 companies and 17 associations have agreed on a self-regulatory initiative to make data centres in Europe climate neutral by 2030. 

The stated targets are: 

  • Demonstrate energy efficiency with measurable targets
  • Purchase 100 per cent carbon-free energy
  • Prioritise water conservation 
  • Reuse and repair servers
  • Seek ways to recycle heat

Efficient, safe and clean. The future of innovation is mapped out.



Digital infrastructures: we are lagging behind, but the money will arriveDigital infrastructures: we are lagging behind, but the money will arriveGP0|#4880d666-4370-4e40-881e-7cccf52c24c7;L0|#04880d666-4370-4e40-881e-7cccf52c24c7|Data center;GTSet|#731c59c8-4118-4f4c-8ddc-7170dc5cfcbd10/31/2021 11:00:00 PM 3:53:07 PM038011About News Open Innovation Contact us Access Arca Customers Access Linear Customers Access UnipolSai Customers single cars Access UnipolSai Customers auto flotte aspx20468htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/en/PublishingImages/Datacenter.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />3 minUneven situation throughout Italy, but the demand for digital services is growing. We are third in Europe for number of data centers