96% of the digitally advanced companies did not have to undergo the downsizing of the activities during the lockdowns. The incidence of the workers in the ICT area over the total of the workforce is modest and stays around 3,6% against 4,3% on average in the EU.
According to the Istat report, cloud has become the most wanted technology during the lockdowns. 60% of the companies implemented it in 2020 demonstrating 36% growth. At the same time robot and AI implementation is on the rise with respect to the primary manufacturing economies in the European Union. E-invoicing adoption is very high and it brought Italian companies to the top of the rating with 95% adoption rate.
Italy is in line with EU average in using IoT, AI and robotics, while we are behind in adopting e-commerce and Big Data analytics with respect to the EU. Only 9% of the Italian and Spanish companies with at least 10 employees implemented Big Data analytics back in 2019 vs. 18% of the German companies and 22% of the French.
Above all, Italy requires more education and digital expertise: during the lockdown, the incidence of the ICT training companies has dropped down drastically. In 2020 in Italy, at least 40% of the workers in ICT space have University degree against 66% of the average in Europe. The incidence of the employed in the ICT space with respect of the total of the employed in Italy is relatively modest and is around 3,6% vs. 4,3% in the European Union.