It is estimated that in 2050 there will be more than 50 billion connected devices in the world, “smart" and connected objects that are capable to interpret the surrounding environment and to suggest intelligent data-driven actions that will cause deep changes at all levels.

What are the opportunities that are opening up for the insurance companies? How is the relationship with the customers and the services' personalization changing as a result of introducing the IoT and the Artificial Intelligence?

Insurance market can become the main player in the digital transformation. Just think about automotive sector and car insurance: based on the constant data transmission from the cars and motorcycles, we have a great opportunity to personalize the services we are offering to our customers and make it even easier to find the correct insurance product that meets the customer demands the best, based on the driving behavior and risk category.

This scenario has already become reality with the Unibox black box, the satellite device designed and built by UnipolTech and installed in the vehicles of the Unipol Group customers. It is possible to facilitate a relationship with the customer based on the transmitted data and driving behavior analysis.  The connected devices allow the companies like the Unipol Group to better assess the risks based on the driver's behavior patterns and use of the vehicle data.​​

With the data retrieved from the cars and the motorcycles, we have a great opportunity to personalize the services for our customers, making it easier to find the correct insurance product that better responds to the customer needs

A simple example: in case of a road accident, we can retrieve the information regarding speed, airbag status and other relevant data based on the IoT sensors built in the car and evaluate the accident's level of damage, its severity and if necessary send an ambulance right away.

The Group recognizes how crucial the opportunity to digitalize the processes and the services is also in a view of all the technologies developed by UnipolTech. An approach based on big data, data transfer and on the data management makes part of the essential strategic guidelines to deal with the new scenario.

A complex challenge that we are ready for thanks to our cross-functional teams that are ready to manage the complexity deriving from the exponentially growing number of the connected things, via platforms that interpret the data transmitted from these objects rapidly and flexibly, coordinating huge volumes of information to produce value.

If we look beyond cars and motorcycles and transportation sector, there are a lot of implications and consequences of the IoT for people and the insurance companies; devices with sensors and auto activation functions that are also wearable and can be introduced easily basically in any part of a human life, at work, at home and during free time. The situations where insurance company can offer insurance products and services, protecting customers' privacy with the highest attention to guard the personal data.

According to the McKinsey research, up to now the insurance companies have used the connected devices to facilitate interaction with the customers and speed up the underwriting and accident management. However, the new technological environment will allow opening new distribution channels and extending the role of the insurance to include forecasting, prevention and assistance.

Therefore, the Internet of Things can bring significant advantages to the relationships with the customers allowing the companies to establish a more personalized contact with the customer and therefore to reinforce trust and retention. 



From data to wisdom: the IoB to understand realityFrom data to wisdom: the IoB to understand realityGP0|#1615e3c3-c175-40bf-84da-64ffe010f050;L0|#01615e3c3-c175-40bf-84da-64ffe010f050|Iot;GTSet|#731c59c8-4118-4f4c-8ddc-7170dc5cfcbd3/30/2021 10:00:00 PM 10:28:07 AM038440About News Open Innovation Contact us Access Arca Customers Access Linear Customers Access UnipolSai Customers single cars Access UnipolSai Customers auto flotte aspx28211htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/en/PublishingImages/IoB_1Homepage_articoloinevidenza1.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><img alt="" src="/en/PublishingImages/IoB_1Homepage_articoloinevidenza1.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />6 minThe evolution of Internet of Things will be Internet of Behaviours, information from connected objects at the service of people's virtuous behaviour.